Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 27: It’s the Simple Things…

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


It’s the simple things

That gives wings

To my burdened heart.


A pretty cup’s message

Filled with love is

More than just a part—


Of recovery—

From hurt or rocky

Days full of pain and sadness.


When I shift my focus

And train it on the plusses—

It is then that I am full of Your joy and gladness.


When I just look around

And see even on the ground

Testimonies of Your Love—


I am reminded of Your power

And Your glory forever—

And my eyes are now on You up above.


“Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You care too much about me to leave me in the ruts I fall into.

Thank You for showing me that by focusing on something small that brightens my day,

I can experience a little bit of Your SonShine that has the power to lift me out of a day of darkness.

Hints of Your love are everywhere I look, if I will only take the time to stop and notice them.

When I choose to look outside of myself, I see that all around me there is reason to rejoice and be glad.

Just a tree or a flower or even a ray of light shining out from a cloud—

These simple things are so beautiful to me.

They are testimonies of Your love, and they declare Your greatness—for You created them all.

Thank You, too, for the little things You put in my path just to delight me.

Just seeing a certain color or word can lift me up and remind me of how much You love me, Dear Lord.

Thank You so much for loving me!

I love You, Lord.

Thank You for not leaving me where I stumble,
but for picking me up and keeping me from being hurled headlong.

You are so beautiful, Oh Lord!

I praise Your Wonderful and Awesome and Holy Name!

Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To look for God’s love for me in the simple things.

His love is all around me—and today, I am determined not to miss it!

Won’t you join me in looking for the simple ways that Your Creator is showing you His love?

It makes all the difference in a day!



“Lord, thank You for this day, and all that it holds.

Help me look for You today in all circumstances as this day unfolds.


I praise You, for You are wonderful and Your promises are true.

I praise You, for You are Beautiful and there is no one else like You!


I love You, Dear Lord!  I give You this day.

Thank You so much for Your love—Oh, Lord, have Your Way!


In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

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