Saturday, July 2, 2016

Day 13: Good Morning Sunshine!

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Good morning, Sunshine!

Good morning, Lord!

I give You this day,

And I thank You that You are more—


Than this world can ever offer.

You are all I need.

Oh, I praise You, Heavenly Father!

I praise You in word, in thought, in deed!


In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


“Father, I give You this day, and I trust You with it.

Thank You that You are all I need.

You are so Beautiful!

Thank You for displaying Your glory in the world You created all around me.


”Thank You for the early morning Sunshine.

Thank You for the day’s first dew.

Thank You that Your Creation gives You glory—

Thank You that it points straight back to You!


You are Holy, Lord.

There is no one like You.

Father, make me holy as You are holy today, for that is what you call me to be

(1 Peter 1:15-16).

Lead me in Your path.

Shine Your light on me and expose any hidden faults.

I give everything to You.

Keep me back from willfully sinning against You and cleanse me of all that is wrong that I cannot see (Psalm 19:12-13).

Use the words of my mouth to give You praise and to make much of You, for You are worthy, Lord.

Incline my heart to Your Word, that I may follow You (Psalm 119:35-36).

You are so Beautiful and Faithful, Father.

Thank You!

There is none like You!

I give You this day!

I rejoice!

Thank You, Lord for Your mercies (Lamentations 3:22-24)!

And thank You for choosing me as your own.

I love You, dear Lord.

Thank You so much for loving me first when I was still dead in my sin.

I had no power to love or come to You, and You came and loved me, and pulled me out of death and darkness.

You are Mighty, O God!

And I love You!

May Your Name be lifted high in my life today!

In Jesus’ Holy and Precious Name, Amen!”


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To remember that this world is not my permanent home.

My home is with Jesus in heaven. 

God offers so much more than this world can, and today, I will hold on to the hope that one day, He will make everything right.

And I will rejoice that today, I have hope in Jesus, for He has washed me of my sin and made me clean!

Praise God!  He is so good!


“Thank You for Your Amazing Love, Dear Lord.

Help me to live for You today in praise and rejoicing no matter what happens,

Because the truth is that no matter what happens, You have given me life with You that cannot be taken away.

Thank You so much for Your love and grace!

I love You, Lord!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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