Friday, July 1, 2016

Day 12: A Rain Drop Mirror

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


The day is gloomy—

But what do I do?

I look at each drop of rain

As a mirror to look through.


Is my heart full of joy—

Or will it reflect the gloom?

Today, I choose to fix my eyes on Jesus—

Who has saved me from doom.


So let’s all rejoice—

Be it rain or be it shine.

For we as His children can always have joy—

Yes, Jesus my Savior is mine.



“Lord, some days are just so hard.

I don’t really know why we have to cry and feel such pain sometimes, but I know that is the way it is.

There is sin in this world, and sin produces death and pain and sorrow.

But I will hold on to Your promise that You will work EVERYTHING together for my good, because I love You and am called according to Your purpose (Romans 8:28-29).

I know Your Word is always true.

It can be very painful to go through hurts and hard emotional turmoil and still hold on to You and obey and love and not grow bitter.

But when I come to You with my hurts, and I choose to worship and praise You, You take my pain and wash me anew. 

The pain may still be there, but there is something else too.




Oh, thank You, Lord, for taking my anxious thoughts and my cares upon You so that I may have a peace that passes all understanding!

Oh, Lord, there is none like You!

I give You everything that has happened this day and everything that will happen tomorrow, and I choose to trust in You.

Thank You for Your Holy Spirit who is my Helper.

And thank You for Your comforting arms around me, for You are the God of all Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Use times of trial and pain when I experience Your Comfort to enable me to comfort others who are suffering around me.

Lord, You are so good!

Thank You for making me Your own!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”


What is my cup of SonShine for today?

When I have pain, I will run to my Lord who loves me more than anyone else and who can take care of me. 

I will trust Him to use the situation I have experienced for my good,

and I will look ahead to when I can be of comfort to others just as God has been Comfort to me.


“Oh, Lord, You are so good!


I breathe in Your goodness,

I breathe out the worry.

I trust You today.

Thank You, Lord—I give You all fury.


I leave it completely in Your hands—

Every last bit.

You are my God.

I trust You with all of it!

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