Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 23: Praising God in All Things

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Bright Pink flowers,

A Gray, Dreary Sky.

A White Polka Dot Pattern,

And Birds learning to fly.


How do these things go together?

They are all things I can see.

I will choose to praise God in all things—

Won’t you join me?



Today, we have a choice—

To give thanks regardless of what we must do or what the sky looks like,

Or to simply complain and be negative

Or even just go about the day not even noticing everything that we have that we can give thanks for.

Oh, let us not even let a gray and dreary sky keep us from praising our glorious and awesome God!


There is so much darkness in this world.

Don’t give up!

We know the One who has won the war!

One day, He will return and one day everyone will proclaim that Jesus is Lord, because all will see the truth.

Oh, look forward to that day!

And use today wisely.

May He not come to find us being lazy and unfaithful to Him.

May our love for our Lord and Savior be our first love—may it be HOT—not cold and definitely not lukewarm.

May our garments be washed clean,

And when He comes back, may He find us eagerly awaiting His return and ready.

We don’t know when.

We just know that we are told to be ready.


So what is my cup of SonShine today?

To give thanks at all times in even the most seemingly dull duty.

Why?  Because I want to do everything for Jesus—because I love Him and I want Him to be pleased with me. 

How can I do this?  By giving thanks to Him in everything I do, and by doing everything by the power of His Holy Spirit at work within me.

It is all by His grace that I can do anything of eternal value—nothing of my own.


“Praise You, Heavenly Father!

Thank You so much for Your Love.

Awaken Your church!

May we be found ready and fully devoted to You in every way when You return.

I love You, Dear Lord!

Use me today for Your glory, and help me overcome every ugly weakness in my selfish and fleshly nature by the power of your grace.

I am weak, but your grace is sufficient for me.

You are always enough!

Praise You, Dear Lord!

Praise You, Lord Jesus!

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.”

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