Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 19: Lord, You are Our Everything

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Bright Light—

Puffy clouds.

Hot Summer heat.

Lots of people in crowds.


“Lord, we are here,

Just to serve You.

Please take our hearts

And make our thoughts, words, and actions holy, righteous, and true.


We want to please You, Lord.

Oh, Lord, send us out.

Be the Love in our hearts.

Pour it out through our heart’s spout—


To water those in need.

With Your life, love, and hope.

They need You just as we do.

O Lord, may we do so much more than just cope.


For we are new creatures in Christ—

More than conquerors in Him.

Lord, we need You for everything.

Oh thank You for saving us from our sin!


So use us this day—

Despite all the heat.

Despite every obstacle.

For in You we meet—


All that we need.

It is all found in You.

You are our Comfort, patience, satisfaction, and love.

Yes, Lord—all Your promises are true!


In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”



Have you ever been on a mission’s trip?

Or has God ever prompted you to reach out to those around you that you do not know with the message of Jesus Christ in a way that made you uncomfortable?

Did you do it?

Why or why not?


Being sent out to proclaim the good news of Jesus is for every believer.

It is part of our job description.

God will call different people to go out in different ways, but we are always to be ready to share why we believe what we do and why we have the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15).


God is so good, and Jesus is so amazing!

Don’t you just want to share His good news and His love with everyone you meet and everyone you know?


Is Jesus your first love?

Do you love Him so much that it just bubbles over?


It is hard sometimes to keep that kind of love alive.

The world is full of so many distractions—and friendship with the world is hostility toward God (James 4:4).  We cannot love the things of the world and love God (1 John 2:15).


We must be in the world but not of the world—and love the people in the world, but remain unstained by it (James 1:27).


This is for our own good—because, you see, when we love the world, we miss out on all that God has for us—we miss out on living in God’s love. 


To remain in Christ Jesus, we must remain in His love.

To remain in His love, we must obey Him.

To have our prayers answered, we must live vitally connected to Him, and have His word vitally alive within us.

(John 15:5-10)


God’s Word is so amazing!

We need it to live and thrive!


So what is my cup of SonShine today?

To stay in God’s Word for fuel, so I may be alive, full of love for Jesus, be able and willing to obey, and be ready to reach out in love to those around me with the good news of Jesus Christ.


“Dear Heavenly Father, may my love for You and my submission to Your word and Your commands keep me away from loving the world.

Lord, I love Your Word.

May nothing keep me from devouring it every day.

You are my Life Source, and I receive the nourishment I need to live and thrive from You in Your Word.

Father, we as Your children need more and more of You every day!

May we never grow tired of Your Word or prayer, for that is how we stay connected to You.

And may we learn how to listen for the promptings of Your Holy Spirit within us, that we may stay in step with You and stay on the narrow path and not the wide path of the world and its destruction.


“Father, You are so good!

Make us more like You today, I pray.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

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