Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 18: Dead Tree

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


A dead tree still stands tall.

But soon, it will fall down.

Watch out!  Don’t get hit!

You won’t hear a sound.


Do you feel like that dead tree?

Or are you full of life?

Are you connected to Jesus and His Love?

Or is your heart full of strife?


Plug into Jesus.

Accept and LIVE in His Love.

He will give you abundant life.

And peace, hope, and joy from above.


How do we do this?

By walking in step with the Holy Spirit—

Our Helper from Jesus.

The One who enables us to soar through it—


This life which is so tough at times.

But because we have our Helper,

As God’s children, we have the strength

To do all things through the power of our Great Deliverer.


Praise God from whom we receive all good and perfect things—

May we be full of His life.

For it is only found in Jesus.

We as God’s children are Jesus’ Bride.


Marriage reflects our relationship with Jesus.

O may our marriages be full of respect and love,

That our lives may point back to the Creator of marriage—

Our God from up above!


In Jesus’ Name, may you be full of His life today!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


God is so good, isn’t He?  I just got back from my first mission’s trip.  My church went to the inner city for an overnight trip.  We did a lot in a little more than 24 hours, were out in 97 degree weather, and got a touch of heat exhaustion—but it was so worth it!

The people I met are in my heart!  I love them, and I long to go back and build deeper relationships with them, so they can truly come to know a life lived with Jesus.

But we can bring the good news right here to the lost and hurting in our own town.

To show some love, to be willing to listen and pray, and to be willing to share the truth in gentleness and with respect, these are our privileges as Believers and Followers of Christ.

May we be full of the Life of Christ Jesus today, that we may bring it to others!


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To be full of the Life of Christ that I may bring it to those God places in my path today.

God has given us the power to love one person at a time—each person we come into contact with.


“O Father, please make us faithful and loving and patient and kind. 

May we not be like a dead tree with no life in it that is just going to hurt someone when it falls down.

May we be like a lush vine branch that is green because we are connected to You.

Only by staying in Your Word and in prayer can we continue to stay in Your Love, following You and obeying You by the power of Your Holy Spirit.

O Father, You are SO GOOD to us!

Thank You for Your Love!

Thank You for Jesus!

Thank You for making us!

I love You, Lord.

I love You SO MUCH!!!

Thank You for being so very good to me!


"Thank You for putting us all on the same level.

We are all the same, no matter what, as long as we are human.


"For we all have souls.

We all sin.

We all need a Savior.

And, Jesus, You are Him!


For God, You love us all—

No matter what we see

As humans looking on the outside—

In Christ we can say, ‘You have recreated me.’


We are all on one level.

We all need Jesus.

God loves us ALL no matter what!

And it is because of this love that Jesus came to save us!



“Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Jesus!

I love You, Lord!

Make us alive in Your love today, and unify all of Your people in Your love—regardless of our differences.

We face very real evil, and we need to join together as believers in Christ in the bond of Your love and unity. 

Father, may we love one another, and continue to grow in You and reach out to those who do not yet know You.

We ALL need You, and may we never withhold Your love from anyone, be they friend or foe, good or bad, ally or enemy.

May we pray for one another as we are in this world.

Use us as salt to season and as lights to shine and reflect You!

In Jesus’ Name!

Lord, You are so good!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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