Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 27: It’s the Simple Things…

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


It’s the simple things

That gives wings

To my burdened heart.


A pretty cup’s message

Filled with love is

More than just a part—


Of recovery—

From hurt or rocky

Days full of pain and sadness.


When I shift my focus

And train it on the plusses—

It is then that I am full of Your joy and gladness.


When I just look around

And see even on the ground

Testimonies of Your Love—


I am reminded of Your power

And Your glory forever—

And my eyes are now on You up above.


“Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You care too much about me to leave me in the ruts I fall into.

Thank You for showing me that by focusing on something small that brightens my day,

I can experience a little bit of Your SonShine that has the power to lift me out of a day of darkness.

Hints of Your love are everywhere I look, if I will only take the time to stop and notice them.

When I choose to look outside of myself, I see that all around me there is reason to rejoice and be glad.

Just a tree or a flower or even a ray of light shining out from a cloud—

These simple things are so beautiful to me.

They are testimonies of Your love, and they declare Your greatness—for You created them all.

Thank You, too, for the little things You put in my path just to delight me.

Just seeing a certain color or word can lift me up and remind me of how much You love me, Dear Lord.

Thank You so much for loving me!

I love You, Lord.

Thank You for not leaving me where I stumble,
but for picking me up and keeping me from being hurled headlong.

You are so beautiful, Oh Lord!

I praise Your Wonderful and Awesome and Holy Name!

Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To look for God’s love for me in the simple things.

His love is all around me—and today, I am determined not to miss it!

Won’t you join me in looking for the simple ways that Your Creator is showing you His love?

It makes all the difference in a day!



“Lord, thank You for this day, and all that it holds.

Help me look for You today in all circumstances as this day unfolds.


I praise You, for You are wonderful and Your promises are true.

I praise You, for You are Beautiful and there is no one else like You!


I love You, Dear Lord!  I give You this day.

Thank You so much for Your love—Oh, Lord, have Your Way!


In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 26: The Lord Fills Your Cup

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


A cup of coffee

To start your day.


The birds are singing.

Oh, that coffee smells great!


Two more minutes

And your waffles are done.


Now for some quiet time with your Lord

Before you are joined by everyone.


This time is so precious—

You could never give it up.


For this is the time of day

When the Lord fills your cup.



“Heavenly Father, thank You for the quiet times when it is just You and me.

 I need You to quiet me and refresh me in Your Word--
and by just being in Your presence every day.


When I don’t take that time, I wilt.


You have loved me with an everlasting love.

You love the whole world so much that You sent Your only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth so He would die in our place.

We all deserve to die eternally because of our sin—but You have made a way for us to live eternally, be free from the bondage of sin and death, and know You in a very personal and close way through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

You want us to know how deep Your love is for us.  It is greater than any other thing.

Father, show us Your love today, I ask, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


What is my cup of SonShine for today?

To slow down and be with my Lord—

And to seek to know how deep His love is for me.

I don’t want to live another minute not living in the knowledge of the depth of His love for me (Ephesians 3:17-19).


“Father, reveal to me today how deep Your love is for me, I pray.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


Ephesians 3:17-19 (NKJV)

“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and heightto know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

(Emphasis added)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Day 25: The Rainbow of Promise

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Many unspoken words.

A storm brews.

The rain comes down hard.

The thunder is loud and the lightning is fierce.

The winds are ferocious.


The storm breaks.

The clouds scatter, and the sun begins to shine again.

The sky is blue, and there—way up in the sky—appears a rainbow—

Big, Bright, and Beautiful—

As a promise that God will never again destroy earth by rain—

Just as He promises never to give us more than we can handle (1 Corinthians 10:13).


How do I know God will keep His promises?

God never lies.

He has a proven record.


“I love You, Lord.

What is my cup of SonShine today?

Your precious promises to me.

I love You, Lord.

Thank You that I can trust You, and thank You that You will never give me more than I can bear.

Lord, help me to love like You love me.

I try in my own strength and fail.

I get tripped up by my own insecurities and weaknesses.  Lord, I need You to love others through me.


Teach me to cling to You as I walk with You through every moment of my life, trusting You to give me the grace to love like You do.


You have promised to give me what I ask when I ask according to Your will.

Help me learn more of Your will as I read Your Word and spend time with You.


I know You want me to love as You do (John 15:12).

I know Your grace is sufficient for me—power is perfected in weakness

(2 Corinthians 12:9).

And I know You want me to ask for grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16), that I may receive help.

I just need You so much.


I love You, Lord.

I know You have heard my prayer.

Thank You, Lord.

I love You.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


What is my cup of SonShine for today?

To hold on to God’s precious promises in every way.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 24: Look to the Lord

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Sweet-smelling roses,

Trees standing so tall.


A baby learning to stand.

Watch out now!  Don’t fall!


So many reasons to celebrate life—

To look to the Lord and cease from strife.


How do we know our days can be bright?

When we look to the Lord, He makes all inside of us right.



“Father, help me to look to You today.

When a struggle comes my way,

When a dark cloud hovers near,

I ask that You would remind me that You are still here.

Remind me to turn to You,

For only in You can I find all I need.

Only in You can I be satisfied.


I love You, Dear Lord.

Thank You for life

And thank You for joy.

There is always reason to rejoice, for You tell me to rejoice always.

I love You, Lord.

Enlarge my heart and increase my love for You every day.

I love You!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


What is my cup of SonShine for today?

To look to the Lord to make all inside of me right.


Have a sweet day and night!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Great Equalizer

 *Originally published at

(From my latest blog titled, "The Light Shines Bright in the Night"

by Michelle Lores)


Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


The Great Equalizer:

< Sin separates us from God.  We all sin.  We all have eternal souls.

We all need a Savior.

And God loves us all. >

That is why God sent Jesus.

(Isaiah 59:2; John 3:16-21)



Think about those words for a moment.

I am not better than you.

You are not better than me.

Only One is great—the Lord God whose Name is above all things!



He is Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Son—

One God, but three in One.


Is Jesus your Lord?

Oh, I pray so.

If He is,

We canNOT look at someone and say, “No—


“You are not like me,

And so I fail to see,

Why I should treat you well.”

No, to everyone you should tell—


The love of God above

Who sent His Son in love.

That no one need be lost

Jesus paid the highest cost.


He shed His blood for you and me

Upon the cross of Calvary.

Because of Him we can come today

And be free to love EVERYONE in every way!



In Jesus’ Holy Name, May it be so!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 23: Praising God in All Things

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


Bright Pink flowers,

A Gray, Dreary Sky.

A White Polka Dot Pattern,

And Birds learning to fly.


How do these things go together?

They are all things I can see.

I will choose to praise God in all things—

Won’t you join me?



Today, we have a choice—

To give thanks regardless of what we must do or what the sky looks like,

Or to simply complain and be negative

Or even just go about the day not even noticing everything that we have that we can give thanks for.

Oh, let us not even let a gray and dreary sky keep us from praising our glorious and awesome God!


There is so much darkness in this world.

Don’t give up!

We know the One who has won the war!

One day, He will return and one day everyone will proclaim that Jesus is Lord, because all will see the truth.

Oh, look forward to that day!

And use today wisely.

May He not come to find us being lazy and unfaithful to Him.

May our love for our Lord and Savior be our first love—may it be HOT—not cold and definitely not lukewarm.

May our garments be washed clean,

And when He comes back, may He find us eagerly awaiting His return and ready.

We don’t know when.

We just know that we are told to be ready.


So what is my cup of SonShine today?

To give thanks at all times in even the most seemingly dull duty.

Why?  Because I want to do everything for Jesus—because I love Him and I want Him to be pleased with me. 

How can I do this?  By giving thanks to Him in everything I do, and by doing everything by the power of His Holy Spirit at work within me.

It is all by His grace that I can do anything of eternal value—nothing of my own.


“Praise You, Heavenly Father!

Thank You so much for Your Love.

Awaken Your church!

May we be found ready and fully devoted to You in every way when You return.

I love You, Dear Lord!

Use me today for Your glory, and help me overcome every ugly weakness in my selfish and fleshly nature by the power of your grace.

I am weak, but your grace is sufficient for me.

You are always enough!

Praise You, Dear Lord!

Praise You, Lord Jesus!

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.”