Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 9b: To Love without Fear

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


To love.

To trust.

To believe all things.

To bear all things.

To endure all things.

…Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:7-8 [See NIV and NASB versions : )]


To love.  To truly love.  That is definitely a God thing.

We need His help to love—to truly love.

For to truly love is to act selflessly.

It is a choice we make, and one we make and carry out with the help of God.


Is it hard for you to trust loved ones—I mean really trust them?

(Not to trust in them as we trust in God--but to trust them as your loved ones who God

 wants you to be in relationship with.)

Me too.

Insecurities and fears can eat away at you.

But when you put yourself aside, you are left with that other person.

Will you come outside of yourself and love them as you want to be loved or will you stay

 absorbed in yourself and your own desires?


I am talking to me.


To believe all things.

Will I choose to believe my loved ones and believe in my loved ones?

Or will I doubt, condemn, discourage, and accuse?


Will I bear all things?

Will I go through every situation—good or bad—with sincere love in my heart and supportive love in my actions for my loved ones?

Will I bear up or give up?

Love bears all things.


Will I endure all things?

At the end of our days, will I still be standing by my loved ones in sincere love?

Or will I let difficulties and worries kill my resolve to continue loving and giving love no matter what?


Love—God’s Love—never fails.

No matter what situation arises, if the love of God is in you, you will want to be there for your loved ones to support them, help them, listen to them, be kind and patient with them, and show them love.


Yes, God’s love never fails.


“Heavenly Father, help me to love like You do.  There is no one like You.  No one loves like You do.

Father, fill me up with that love.

I want to start today loving fearlessly and selflessly.

You are God, You are good, and I trust myself and my heart to You.

I love You, Lord.

Thank You for loving me.

Help me today to love like You do.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To put myself

On the shelf,

And love without fear,
Knowing my God is always near!

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