Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 2: To Delight… in the Lord

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


       What are some things that make me happy?


            A friendly daisy in a cute and cheery flower pot.

            A beautiful blue sky studded with puffy white clouds.

            Giving our dog a rub on the head, a scratch  on the side, and a pat on the belly.


            These things make me happy, but how can I choose to delight myself always in the Lord—even when I cannot feel Him near—when things are not going so well?

            For this, I go to the Lord in prayer—

                        “Lord, help me to see the color in the gray—

                        The brightness in the dark—

                        And the sun through the rain.

                        Help me to see these things with eyes of faith.

                        Eyes that believe even when they cannot see—

                        That believe even when I cannot feel.

A trust that is born not on what my senses tell me is true—

But based on what Your Word says is true.

When I feel alone, Your Word says I am never alone.

When I feel unworthy and unloved, Your Word says You have loved me with an everlasting love, and I am God’s own possession.

I am Yours, and I have been redeemed from the wrath of God and slavery to sin and death by the precious blood of Jesus.

I am free.

I am free to trust.

I am free to love.

I am free to obey.

To truly delight myself in You is to be completely satisfied with You and You alone.

Lord, I have so far to go.

But this day I choose to give up the lies of the enemy fo r the Truth of Your Word—by Your grace and with the help of Your Holy Spirit within me.

I choose to Trust You with my life.

I choose to believe that You are taking every little thing that happens today and using it for my good—to make me more like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).
I love You, Lord.
Thank You SO MUCH for loving me.
Use me today to love others.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


        So, what is my cup of SonShine for today?

            To be wholly satisfied in Jesus and to know in my heart that He is all I need to be whole, complete, and full of joy every day.

            Today, I will delight myself in my Lord.

            That is my cup of SonShine for today.

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