Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 9: My Mountain of Hope

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


            An old fashioned typewriter in perfect condition to type on.

A valley full of pink wildflowers to run in.

The first time the mountains come into view as I gaze out the car window.

Strong trees full of green, green leaves to rest in the shade of.


I have always loved the mountains.  That first time that I see them come into view, I just feel life I can breathe easier.

I live in Florida, so we don’t have mountains in our state.

There is something about rocks and the quiet strength of the mountains that I love.

Different mountains are dressed differently by God, but with very little exception, I love the mountains—the rocks, the clefts, the valleys. 

And why?  Because I feel a certain way that I feel nowhere else when I am there.

My soul is refreshed.  And just the sight of  a skyline with mountains in the distance causes me to relax, because I know those rocks—full of quiet, majestic solidity—are nearby.  I know that mountain is not far off, and just the sight of it brings comfort.

Oh, how I love the mountains!


God is my Rock and my Refuge—whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  (See Psalm 46:1, Psalm 27:1, & Psalm 18:2)


I do not have to go to the mountains every time I need to be renewed.

I only need to go to God.

He is my Rock.  He is my Fortress.  He is my sure foundation.  He is my strength.  He is my song.

When I go to Him, He helps me, He renews me, He refreshes me.

He gives me breath to breathe again.


“Thank You, Lord for the mountains.

Thank You for creating rocks and clefts and rocky crags and trees and valleys.

I love them all, Lord.  And I love how I feel whenever I just see them. 

And to touch them!  Oh, that is even better!  Just to feel that solid rock with all its many faces.  Something about it is soothing and exciting all at once.

Oh, Lord, I cannot always be in the mountains—but I CAN always be with You.

You are always with me, and You are my Refuge and Strength. 
At all times, I can run into You and the shelter of Your arms and find rest and renewal and help for every thing I face.

Lord, break through to my heart today.  I want to walk closely with You.

I want to be full of Your light, that I may bring Your Love and warmth to all those I come in contact with.

Oh, how I love You!

I need You, Lord.

Help me rely on You today, Lord.

I am so weak, and my soul is in need of refreshing.

Lord, I need Your strength.

Fill me up that I may stand strong today against temptation.

Oh, Lord—how I love You, and how I love the mountains.


"You are near,

And I need NEVER fear.


"Thank You, Lord, for being my mountain of Hope.

Hope refreshes and renews. 

You give me hope that does not disappoint.


You are my mountain of Hope.

I love You, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

What is my cup of SonShine today?
Hope in God.
God—my mountain of Hope.

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