Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 7: Broken Seashells

Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores

Marshmallows covered in chocolate.
Seashells scattered on the beach.
Bright white lilies still wearing the morning’s dew.
Good old down-home country cooking.
Family memories.


All of these mean something to me today, but I want to zero in on the seashells.

Most scattered seashells on the beach are broken pieces of a once-whole living thing.

Now they are merely a remnant.

But think how beautiful those shells are.

So many colors—

So many different shapes.

To a child, each one is a treasure.

It is not until we become adults that only the whole shells capture our interest.

What is my point?
There is beauty in brokenness, and God uses it to tell a merciful story of His grace and love.
When we are weak, He is strong.  He is always there—and He is waiting for us to come to Him for the help we so desperately need.
In truth, we can do nothing apart from Jesus and His love.  We need His life, and we need His strength—otherwise we will wilt.


What does that look like for me today?

A cup of SonShine full of prayer, reading the Bible, and walking in step with the Holy Spirit. 
That needs to be my powerhouse every day.

“Lord, I need You.  Help me remember that I can do nothing apart from You.

Help me as I seek to be humble, and show me right away when I do wrong so that I can come to You, tell you that I sinned, and trust You to cleanse me as only You can.

I need You, Lord.

I need You every day.

You are the Source of my Joy, and a life lived connected to You in Prayer and Your Word, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is a joyful life.

I love You, Lord.

Thank You.

Help me.

Help me today to see the beauty in the broken through eyes of faith.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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