Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 6: To Forgive—To Let Go

      Copyright © 2016 by Michelle Lores


What is my cup of SonShine today?

To forgive and let go.

Oh how much lighter I will be

When I release this burden holding me.

Oh the glorious day

When I let it all go that I may

Be lighter than air

Because I choose to care

Instead of cast a stone.

I will no longer stand alone.



I choose today.

Today I will let go.

Today I will move on.

The hurt may still remain.

But the bitterness will be gone.

I give it all to Christ.

For none else can ever save.

He will lead me in this path.

For He is the One who knows the Way--

To forgive.


He is the Way, the Truth, the Life—
The only Way to our Father God.
He knows all about forgiveness—
For He gives it to all who come to Him that they may know His Father in Heaven—the God of Love.
God loves the whole world,
And He offers forgiveness to us.
Once we become His own,
He calls us to live a life to Him—
Holding nothing back—
And holding no thing against anyone.
    We are to let it all go—
      To trust our wise Father  in heaven—
    Who is in control
       And who knows what He is doing.


“So today, Lord,

I choose to trust You.

I choose to let go of bitterness and gall and anger and deceit.

Today, I choose to forgive so that I may receive Your cup of Joy—

Your cup of SonShine for me today.

"I love You, dear Lord.

You are beautiful!

It is amazing how peaceful I feel inside and how washed clean I feel.

You are truly amazing.

Thank You for taking a broken vessel like me and choosing to make something beautiful.”


Today, I let go so I can let God take over and do a new work in me—
A work of Love.

“Oh, Dear Lord,
Show  me every area that I must let go of—
Every person that I must forgive.
Even if it is painful—
Even if it is hard.
If You sweat drops of blood for me,
And endured the pain of Calvary—
You can help me through anything.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I praise You, Lord!
Your name is above every other!
You are magnificent.
You are merciful.
You are so loving and kind.
You are compassionate.
I love You, dear Lord.
Make me more like You today.
Bring me closer to Your heart today.
I want to see You everywhere.
I want to know You more deeply.
Oh, Lord, be my everything!
I give You this day!
I thank You that You are the SonShine in it—and You are ALWAYS enough for me.
I love You, dear Lord!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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