Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Free Devotional eBook by Michelle Lores

I was taking a walk down memory lane,
And I thought how lovely it would be to have a devotional eBook
with some of my favorite entries from this blog.
So, I made one!
I hope you will enjoy the devotions, the prayers, the happy thoughts,
and the pictures of God's Creation.
My dear friends, thank you for reading this blog.
I have plans to start some new things here on the blog in the New Year.
I hope that you will enjoy experiencing God's Word with me.
God's love is so beautiful, isn't it?
May you experience His love afresh as you read these devotions and prepare for a Wonderful New Year with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
In Jesus' Name, May it be so!

Please Click below to download the free Devotional eBook, A Cup of SonShine for Your Day. 


God bless you now and always!


  1. This is a very beautiful and meaningful devotional, thank you for making it available.
