Things are happening fast.
The scenes are changing.
I am full of hope and trepidation.
Do you ever feel afraid to hope?
So much good is happening
And yet the shadows from yesterday
Still hang like a dense fog.
Oh, my dear friend,
Put your hope in God!
Refuse the lies of yesterday
And press on toward tomorrow.
For God has new life for you.
Things are changing, my friend.
Embrace the truth and move forward
In the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Open your heart--
Don't hide anymore.
Don't run away.
Embrace God's love.
This must come first in your healing.
God will make you whole, useful, and effective in His kingdom.
Oh, Dear one, Embrace your Savior!
Drop the Distractions of this world!
Run with all of your might into the arms of Jesus,
And don't hold back!
Your long-awaited time of recovery and life of victory in Christ is around the corner.
God is moving things.
Align yourself with His will and stop fighting Him.
Do not struggle--
You will be delivered from fear, shame, anger, anxiety, hate, self-hatred, and death's grip on you.
Depression will be a thing of the past.
You will walk in freedom and newness of life from now on.
Behold, a new day has come,
And Jesus has come to set you free.
Remember: The one whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Go with God!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
What is my cup of SonShine for today?
To dare to Hope in Jesus.
To not give up and to dare to believe the truth in the face of old deeply ingrained lies.
Let us be bold in believing the Truth and rejecting the lies of the enemy.
There is no one like our God!
God bless you today and may He renew your hope and cause His streams of Living Water to flow from your innermost being as you believe in Him. (John 7:38)
In Jesus' Name, Amen!
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